To purchase a plan you must contact us directly to have the plan and payment method added to the account for the specific address where service is desired. ​You must purchase a separate subscription per location you want covered. You may prepay Annually for a discount, or we offer other payment options noted below. All subscriptions require a payment source be on file for auto-pay and will auto-renew at the end of each term to this payment source unless changed.
You may choose to pay one of three ways
Annually $612.00 One-time prepayment per year upfront (non-refundable*) comes out to only $51/month
Quarterly $165.00 Four Payments per year, pre-pay every 90-Days (non-refundable*) comes out to only to $55/month or $656/year
Monthly $56.00 Twelve Payments per year, prepay every 30-Days (refundable**) Equals $672/year.
The following terms & condition apply specifically to these subscription plans, in addition you are bound by our general Sales & Service Agreement for any sales or services rendered in general. These specific terms, the 'Subscription Plan Agreement', shall apply in all cases regarding the purchasing and delivery of these plans and their benefits, except wherein these terms in whole or part may be ambiguous, in which case our standard Sales & Service Agreement terms shall apply to that specific instance.
All Plans INCLUDE the following per-location services:
- A minimum number of visits are included per year, varies by plan type. All visits scheduled as equally as possible throughout the year and may vary at our discretion.
- All equipment will receive external cleaning as needed
- Eligible equipment will be cleaned internally, if applicable. This includes Racks, Amplifiers, network devices, and TV’s.
- Visual Inspections of all wiring connections will be performed, and basic repair as needed
- Equipment Ventilation/Temp Check performed on all equipment, and with specific regard to whole Racks, Cabinets, Closets
- Wireless Devices Check/Test Frequency & Function for equipment such as Microphones, Bluetooth, Casting, Wi-Fi or similar.
- Network Tests & Check will be performed on all accessible standard networks, including MoIP and VoIP type systems, including 3rd Party Systems
- All Power Systems will be Checked and Tested for applicable features function, such as Surge Protection, Power Controllers, UPS switchovers, UPS battery
- Firmware/Software evaluation will be completed and updates will be limited to basic critical updates only.
- We will complete a full System Auto-Recovery & Reboot Test​
- All active subscribers will also get a 15% Discount on any parts & labor for services/parts performed at time of a regularly pre-scheduled Maintenance Plan visit, same day only. This additional parts & services are separately invoiced as normal per your normal payment terms. Discount will be applied on bottom-line for that invoice.
-All work is covered by our standard 90-Day Workmanship Guarantee, including services rendered under this Plan. If we make a mistake we will fix it at no charge if reported within 90 Days, see our Universal Service Agreement for complete details on our 90 Days Workmanship Guarantee coverage details.
Plans DO NOT INCLUDE the following items:
- Any kind of warranty, whether expressed or implied.
- Service or Support beyond the scope as outlined above.
- Other Parts or Services not specifically stated as included; such as, but not limited to, advanced programming, advanced software /firmware updates, Advanced Repair of electronics, or replacement of consumable
- Coverage for errors of, damage to, or any losses incurred as a result of problems with manufacturer recommended Firmware or Software updates applied to equipment where they cause undesired effects on operation of systems or equipment.
- Benefits or Discounts that can be applied to other visits or services or parts.
Advanced Programming Notice means reprogramming of advanced control systems (RTI, QSC, URC, JAP systems), Advanced Updates means any software or firmware update that is considered non-critical or that otherwise requires multiple sessions, side loading, or extended time to complete and test. Advanced Repair refers to repairs we do not directly offer, such as TV or Radio repairs that would require a manufacturer or 3rd party repair center to complete. Consumable items are those items a product manufacturer has designated as ‘user-replaceable’ such as but not limited too lamps, bulbs, filters, batteries, screen protectors, or remote controls.​
3rd Party Systems Notice While we will check ALL eligible systems, even 3rd Party ones such as Point-Of-Sale or Room Scheduling systems, however these 3rd Party systems may have mechanisms in place that prevent us from providing a full testing or assessment of those specific systems. In this event we will only provide the service to the extent to which we can access the equipment.
Payments will be pre-paid by the subscriber on the agreed upon selected intervals (varies by plan), the renewal period is the same as this payment interval (example - monthly, quarterly, yearly). All payments must made in full before the next regularly scheduled visit. Plans will be setup as Auto-Renew Auto-Pay. Additional fees and taxes may apply. Payment method options are Bank Card or ACH, additional payment methods may be available, and may vary.
The first visit on any new subscription will be scheduled approximately 90 days after subscribing at our discretion and availability, except those paying annually which may be scheduled sooner, no visit for any plan or payment type will be scheduled sooner than 31 days after any payment. Additional visits will be scheduled as evenly as possible every 90 Days, throughout the life of the plan. If payments are not made in full each payment date then the next scheduled visit will be suspended until the account is brought current, or renewed.
If you are unable to keep a scheduled visit you must contact us no later than 24 hours prior to the appointment time to reschedule. If Iron Hill AV, at our fault, is unable to complete a service pre-scheduled appointments at any time, we will reschedule the visit for the next reasonably available day/time.
Required Access
We require open and clear work areas, and reasonable access to all areas that may contain equipment to be serviced, this include office areas where equipment racks may be located. We expect you to make provisions for these areas to be open and clear during our visit. This allows us to perform our services efficiently and safely.
Food Safety Concerns
Due to the cleaning chemicals and process, areas such as food prep, backbars or displays where liquor bottles, food, or glasses may be kept should be cleared prior to our arrival if in the area near or under our equipment. Our technicians are not required to move these items, and they may impede our ability to complete services in that area. While we will make every effort to avoid this areas if these items are present, we are not responsible for any damages or loss of any food, glasses, or bottles which could be broken, or otherwise contaminated during our service in those areas.
No-Show / No-Access Policy - When we arrive on-site on-time after an appointment was confirmed electronically or verbally and are unable to access the building or systems, we may reschedule all or a portion of the visits tasks to the next regular visit time, at our discretion. When we cannot reasonably access the necessary areas of a building or parts of a system at the current visit due to inaction of the client, specifically if this happens over multiple scheduled visits, we reserve the right to consider that portion of the service as delivered and rendered in-full in-lieu of additional reschedules, as we see operationally fit.
Plan Features & Benefits Changes
Iron Hill AV reserves the right to temporarily suspend plan renewals at any time for any reason and without notice, wherein services of the prepaid term of the plan have been delivered in full already. We may also modify any plans features, benefits, or terms, in whole or in part at Our discretion; any changes made will go into effect on the next immediate billing term following 30 days notice after the changes are published to subscribers and the public. We will notify the subscriber and the public electronically via contact preferences of each subscriber and generally via our website. Services listed as included shall be provided as-is without warranty and are deliverable only to the address assigned at time of initial subscription. All services will be provided in a reasonable and timely manner, at the availability preference of Iron Hill AV.
You may cancel at any time and auto-pay/renew will be suspended immediately. Subscriber may stop future payments by contacting Customer Support through our website.
*Quarterly or Annual payment plan is non-refundable, your auto-renewal will be cancelled immediately upon request but you will continue to receive the pre-paid services and benefits for the remainder of the plans next renewal period.
**Monthly payments plan, your auto-renewal will be cancelled immediately upon request, and services will be considered rendered in full up to that point. Any subsequent payments since the last regularly scheduled plan visit was rendered, will be refunded.
Any additional charges incurred during service plan visit, additional transaction fees or taxes charged, or any other fees, are non-refundable for any reason.
Once a prepaid plan has lapsed and the services pre-paid for have been rendered, and or the subscription is otherwise cancelled per the terms of this agreement, then this agreement and any plan benefits shall be considered terminated in full. Iron Hill AV may elect to stop, terminate, or not-renew any plan or subscriber at anytime, for any location, for any reason with a notice to subscribers prior to the cancellation effective date. Iron Hill AV also reserves the right to refuse service and cancel a subscription at anytime, for any reason as we see operationally fit.
Additional general service terms may apply, see our Universal Sales & Service agreement for more complete terms and conditions.